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333 N. Hill Circle

Rochester Hills, MI


Hours and Information About Us

Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve is a 501(c)(3) non-profit institution the encompasses 16 acres of land located in Rochester, MI. The preserve offers environmental education to residents through programs and classes, both on site and in the classroom, and are the stewards of the land under their leadership.

The preserve trails are open to the public daily from dusk until dawn and are free to experience. We do ask that visitors remain on the designated trails as to not disturb the natural progress of nature.

The trails are open 7 days a week, sun up to sun down.

Nature Center building hours:  


Fridays 1-5 pm

Saturdays 12-5 pm

Sundays 12-5 pm


HOURS:    Tue/Wed/Thur:  Groups by Appointment

                    Fri:  1pm-5pm     Sat/Sun:  12pm-5pm

Email us for best service

Office: (248) 656-0999

333 North Hill Circle
Rochester, MI 48307

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